
Мы имеем лицензии на оказание бухгалтерских и финансовых услуг.

Licence For Carrying On Ancillary Services

PDF ・ 164 KB

Лицензия на осуществление микрофинансовой деятельности

PDF ・ 213 KB


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Bukhta LLP. BIN: 140840021970. ForteBank JSC. IIK: KZ1796502F0008821885. BIK: IRTYKZKA. Address: 050013, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Bostandyk district, Keremet microdistrict, building 3/1. Phone: +7 727 331 6611. Email: hello@buhta.com. Website: buhta.com

Certificate of entering information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright No. 6944 dated December 10, 2019. Included in the state register of KKM under number 233 on June 20, 2019.

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